27 oct 2009

LEGOOOOZE from DDLM's on Vimeo.

HD = ¡¡¡¡Hail DDLM's!!!!

s&e by DDLM's- DDLM's shots by AVXM- cam SONY-HVR-V1- cut VEGASstarring:


- Spicy-crunching mexican subway's street art

- Post-nintendo HD-master DDLM's taking a shower

- 21st century female sexuality icon AVXM's astral freak-out!!!!

- Leon's Park Odd'ysey

- Japploitation TV almost 70's commercial

- Supermarket-Unkit Grafos

- Azcapolanco's Gefahrenzone Gang

- Spider man solarium

- Pop-Jerk & killer grooves in xochimilco's sepelio

- Hokus Pokus Chulalpis!!!!

- Full-color anti-twister games

- A retrospective of contemporary's cereals calcomanías

- Melvin, el de los choco crispis synthesizer

- Tigre toño, el de zucaritas zoolife<



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